

The KeyChain class is used to store and retrieve system-wide private keys and their corresponding certificates (chain). The user will be prompted to set a lock screen pin or password to protect the credential storage if something is being imported into the KeyChain for the first time. Note that the KeyChain is system-wide, every application can access the materials stored in the KeyChain.

Inspect the source code to determine whether native Android mechanisms identify sensitive information. Sensitive information should be encrypted, not stored in clear text. For sensitive information that must be stored on the device, several API calls are available to protect the data via the KeyChain class. Complete the following steps:

  • Make sure that the app is using the Android KeyStore and Cipher mechanisms to securely store encrypted information on the device. Look for the patterns AndroidKeystore, import, import javax.crypto.Cipher, import, and corresponding usages.

  • Use the store(OutputStream stream, char[ ] password) function to store the KeyStore to disk with a password. Make sure that the password is provided by the user, not hard-coded.